Grades 6-8

Lesson: 10

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Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • How can poetry highlight a community’s strengths, challenges and ambitions?


The task that students will fulfill through this lesson is…

  • Throughout this part of the unit, students have read poetry that highlighted some of the strengths, challenges and ambitions of Mari Evans’ community. Through Evans poetry, students were encouraged to seek a clear perspective of the issues in their community and to commit to be a positive contributor to society. Students will work in groups analyzing narrative art that all highlight strengths, challenges and ambitions within the Indianapolis community. They will then work together to write a poem that expresses their perception of the work as revealed through their discussion.

Content Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding that…

  • A community’s strengths, challenges and ambitions can be highlighted in both art and poetry.

Skills Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their ability to…

  • Think critically about a work of art and create poetry using descriptive details and sensory language to present either strengths, challenges or ambitions of the Indianapolis community.

Standards Alignment

  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic of idea. (8.RN.4.2)
  • Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture action and convey experiences and events. (8.W.3.3.D)

Text Title