Lesson: 11
Text Title
“Let Me Tell You How to Meet the Day” by Mari Evans.
Main Idea
In “Let Me Tell You How To Meet The Day”, Evans guides the reader through an uplifting, self-analyzing approach to life. She offers each day as a “life to be explored” and “a Self to be identified/clarified/outlined, free form.” Her prescription to living life is to be unrestricted to allow room for growth. It is positive and hopeful.
Essential Question
The unit essential questions developed in this lesson are:
- What does it mean to be empowered by words?
- How can one’s sense of self be developed through poetry/art?
Content Objective
By engaging in this lesson, students will know/understand that…
- The structure of a poem provides insight to an author’s message. The free-form structure lends to Evans’ message of living life each day open to whatever is to come. Each line is short. This allows the reader to pause giving significance to what the speaker is saying. The off-centered words, though individually significant, are an extension to the previous thought. Her use of imagery reflects a curious, positive approach to life.
Literacy Objective
By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…
- Analyze the imagery and structure of a poem and make a personal connection.
Standards Alignment
- Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of world literature considering how it reflects heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs. (8.RL.3.2)