Grades 6-8

Lesson: 9

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“Let Us Be That Something” by Mari Evans

Main Idea

In “Let Us Be That Something”, Evans explains that the next generation not only needs to be able to look to their elders as role models, but also as mentors who can provide direction. She notes that while the youth are often introduced to religion for guidance, it is not enough. Evans illustrates this imperative through the use of metaphors, hyperbole and personification. One example of this is when she states, “they need a map and a guide to the interior.”

Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed in this lesson are:

  • How can poetry highlight a community’s strengths, challenges and ambitions?

Content Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will know/understand that…

  • One of the cultural references in this poem is the ambition of previous generations to ensure their descendants are equipped with what they need in order to reach their highest potential.

Literacy Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…

  • Analyze a poem through its title, word choice, imagery, structure, tone and theme. From this critical analysis students will be able to synthesize its message and construct a personal response.

Standards Alignment

  • Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience in a work of world literature considering how it reflects heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs. (8.RL.3.2)

Text Title