Lesson: 3
Text Title
Indiana English Learner Program (ELP) Rule (Indiana Administrative Code Title 511, Article 6) REPA Copy
Indiana EL Program Evaluation Toolkit
Main Idea
The ELP rule delineates the guidelines for the educators who are supporting multilingual learners. Students who are still learning a school’s primary language should have additional support and services provided to them. These supports and services help them to engage fully in the educational environment. These supports and services should be both academic and linguistic, and they should include all relevant stakeholders. These supports and services should be delivered by a qualified professional who meets basic requirements and who has been trained in supporting this special population. The rule includes guidelines as to what qualifies someone to teach in Indiana and what additional qual fications are needed to support multilingual learners.
Essential Question
The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…
- What opportunities and challenges exist for an education ecosystem experiencing an increase in its multilingual learner population?
Content Objective
By engaging in this lesson, students will know/understand that…
- Indiana has legislation that outlines how schools identify MLs, determine proficiency levels, the programs students are enrolled in, and how progress an accountability for these students are measured.
Literacy Objective
By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…
- Evaluate how texts can relate to real-world scenarios.
Standards Alignment
- Delineate and evaluate the arguments and specific claims in U.S. and world
texts, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; analyze the impact of false statements and fallacious reasoning. (11-12.RN.4.1)
Language Objective
By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…
- Evaluate how texts can relate to real-world scenarios.