Grades K-2

Lesson: 4

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City Green by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan

Main Idea

A housing building was torn down by the state because it was no longer safe for people to live. It became an eye sore to the community and a reminder to them that it was torn down and people no longer can live there. Marcy, with the help of the community, got together to create a community garden as something beautiful to look at to remind them of their memories. When you work together with people in the community, you can make your community beautiful and bring it closer together.

Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • What makes up a community?
  • How can I contribute to my community?

Content Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will know/understand that…

  • Everyone can contribute to their community.
  • Even though it might not be a lot, there are some great things happening in my community that I can help with.
  • Giving back to my community is what continues to make my community great.

Literacy Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…

  • Use the picture and the text, through think-aloud, to understand the main idea of the text.

Standards Alignment

  • Include think-alouds, prompts, and questions (oral and written) that focus on determining text and text segments’ main ideas (2.RN.2.2).
  • With support, make predictions about what will happen in a text (K.RC.4)