Grades 9-12

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Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • What opportunities and challenges exist for an education ecosystem experiencing an increase in its multilingual learner population?


The task that students will fulfill through this lesson is…

  • Students will identify the topic and focus of inquiry of their culminating Op-Ed Piece.
  • Students will craft their own central argument for their Op-Ed Piece.

Content Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding that…

  • Historical practices of injustice are still permeating the educational landscape of Indiana today in various manners.

Skills Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their ability to…

  • Form a question of inquiry from then which develop a plan of research.

Standards Alignment

  • Formulate an inquiry question, and refine and narrow the focus as research evolves. (11-12.W.5.a)

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