Grades 6-8

Lesson: 20

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Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • How does culture influence the voice of a poet?
  • How can poetry highlight a community’s strengths, challenges and ambitions?
  • How can one’s sense of self be developed through poetry?


The task that students will fulfill through this lesson is…

  • Students will present their poetry to the class.

Content Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding that…

  • Culture can influence the voice of a poet. Poetry can highlight the strengths, challenges and ambitions in a community. Poetry is a medium to self-discovery.

Skills Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their ability to…

  • Effectively present their creative writing to an audience communicating a theme and central idea; actively listen for and document literary devices used in poetry.

Standards Alignment

  • Listen actively and adjust the use of spoken language (e.g.,
    conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes. (8.SL.1)

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