Grades 6-8

Lesson: 14

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Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • How can one’s sense of self be developed through poetry/art?
  • What does it mean to be empowered by words?


The task that students will fulfill through this lesson is…

  • Students have had an opportunity to experience poetry where the speakers have used words of empowerment to express pride in themselves and their culture, despite not always being affirmed externally. For today’s task, students will create an artistic image examining themselves through their own lens as well as the lens of others. Additionally, they will use the poetry of this unit and their affirmations to create work that expresses empowerment, writing a synopsis titled “Empowerment: The Real Me.”

Content Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will demonstrate their knowledge/understanding that…

  • One’s sense of self can be developed through personal reflection. This self-discovery can be expressed creatively and used to empower oneself and others.

Skills Focus

By engaging in this lesson, students will strengthen their ability to…

  • Critically analyze literature, art and personal reflections to creatively develop a brief summary.

Standards Alignment

  • Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and
    sensory language to capture action and convey experiences and events. (8.W.3.3.d)

Text Title