Grades 3-5

Lesson: 2-3

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Text Title

Text 1: Ballet Folklorico Couple, Indiana Historical Society
Text 2: How a Bilingual Newspaper Changed an Indiana Community (WISH-TV Indianapolis, Flor Ramos-Skidmore)

Main Idea

Text 1: The text is a biographical summary of Guadalupe “Lupe” Figueroa’s contributions to the East Chicago area of Indiana, which accompanies a picture of her in a Ballet Folklorico costume. The biography shares the immigration story of her parents, Consuelo and Francisco, who left Mexico in the 1920s and settled in Indiana Harbor (East Chicago) where Francisco worked in the steel mills. Francisco and his brothers began a printing press and circulated a newspaper called El Amigo del Hogar (A Friend in the Home) for five years after arriving in the United States. In the 1950s, three Figueroa sons revived the printing press to circulate The Latin Times, which was published until the early 1980s to serve as a voice of the Latino community of East Chicago.

Text 2: As retold by Lupe T. Figueroa to a reporter, the Figueroa family owned a print shop in East Chicago, Indiana in the 1920s. Until the Great Depression, the parents of the family wrote and printed bi-weekly newsletters in Spanish to keep Spanish-speaking community members informed. Feeling like the Latino community was not being treated fairly, in the 1950s the children of the Figueroa family resurrected the publication as a new weekly, bilingual newspaper called The Latin Times. For almost 30 years, they printed and sold 2,000 copies each week to build awareness within the Latino community and to ensure the local government heard the voices of the community.

Essential Question

The unit essential questions developed through this lesson are…

  • In what ways have Black and Latino individuals and organizations in Indiana advocated
    for their communities?

Content Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will know/understand that…

  • The Latin Times was a bilingual newspaper written in Spanish and English for the Latino community of East Chicago, Indiana. It was published to raise awareness about important decisions and events in local and national politics and also to ensure local politicians heard the voice of the Latino community.
  • Lupe Figueroa credits the newspaper with influencing many changes in the East Chicago Latino community, including increased hiring of Latino people in public service and government jobs.

Literacy Objective

By engaging in this lesson, students will
strengthen their ability to…

  • Speak about a topic knowledgeably by using details from two different texts
  • Note similarities and differences between the accounts of the same topic and note how different details help deepen the reader’s understanding of the topic.

Standards Alignment

  • Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. (RI 4.9)
  • Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. (RI 5.6)

Text Title